About Me

My photo
Southeast, Florida, United States
I've had a love affair with books since I was a little girl. Once I discovered that stories could take me to amazing worlds where heroes and heroines could tackle insurmountable odds and yet live happily ever after, I was hooked. My overactive imagination always questions "what if?" and I often daydream about scenarios for the next story. Living in South Florida is a dream I fulfilled. For many years now, the balmy breezes, palm trees and surf crashing upon the shoreline have satisfied my soul. They often show up as settings for my stories. I used to say that I'd try anything once, but that was before some suggested skydiving, mountain climbing and swimming with sharks. Nowadays, I prefer the comfort of my chair in front of my computer where the most dangerous thing I face is writer's block. I let my characters tackle the impossible challenges and all I have to do is make sure they have a happy ending. I welcome readers to explore the fantastic world of my imagination where anything is possible and most likely will happen. Look for my books and e-books at Ellora's Cave, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other fine e-tailers

My Website gaildeyoung.com

My Website gaildeyoung.com
Click on this picture to take you there

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Contest Winners!

We are pleased to announce the winners of our "Christmas Contest."

Barb Kettler - Amazon gift cert

Patsy Hagen - candy

Mina Gerhart - Chico's gift certificate

Thank you  everyone for participating and please come back often for the next contest. :) on web page and blog

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Scent-sational !

The other day, I drove by a tent filled with live Christmas trees and without even setting foot inside, I recalled the wonderful scent of fresh-cut pine trees. I couldn’t resist the urge to immerse myself in the ambiance created by those trees, so I parked my car and wandered down the aisles, inhaling the scent that reminded me of the upcoming holiday. In my mind, I was suddenly transported to Christmas Day, and my mouth watered at the thought of roast turkey, candied yams, corn pudding and gingerbread cookies. I could hardly wait for the party to begin. How I love getting together with family and friends at this time of year!

Isn’t it amazing how easily scents bring back memories? Just smelling chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven is enough to make me salivate. The scent triggers an automatic reflex and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into them, especially when they’re still warm and soft straight from the oven. I get a glass of ice cold milk ready for the moment they’re done, just like I did when Mom went on a baking spree. Fresh hazelnut coffee has the same effect on me because of the wonderful aroma of the beans as they’re brewing. But food is only one of the many scents that can set off an emotional response.

Think of baby powder and what comes to mind? A baby, squeaky clean from a bath. Is there any smell more wonderful than a baby wrapped in a fluffy towel? Then there are roses. Inhaling the scent brings back memories of being a teenage girl receiving a boutonniere from a boy taking me to my first prom! When I smell fresh-cut grass, it reminds me of my childhood, when on warm, summer days, I would sit inside the house with the windows open, and listen to my father running the lawnmower in the back yard. The wind would capture the scent and carry it to me.  If I didn’t know better, I’d think there was something magical about scents. Fragrance manufacturers know quite well how we respond to sensory stimulus, and take full advantage of our sense of smell.  I’ll bet you can recall your favorite perfume or cologne right now even if you’re not wearing it at the moment.

Because we’re so accustomed to our sense of smell, we take it for granted. But imagine not having it. Wouldn’t life be duller? Perhaps even less enjoyable? I believe the same holds true of a story that doesn’t take advantage of our sense of smell.  We don’t have to have the item in front of us to know what it smells like, because our memories are so great about recalling them. Whether the scent evokes a pleasant memory or one that is nasty (spoiled garbage, for instance), we still react to the image. That is why I try as often as possible to mention a scent in my stories. I think it adds a bit of spice to the story. I hope you agree.

Here’s wishing you and yours delightful, scent-sational holidays!  


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Coming Soon - Kaily Hart

Website of Kaily Hart

Kaily Hart Blog

Kaily Hart on Facebook

Kaily Hart on Twitter

I'd love to hear from you, whether you have comments on my books, a question or just want to say hi! Please stop by my blog or send me an email at the below address:



Available Now:

Point Blank

Warning: This story contains one hot & hungry bad boy who has waited a long time for a chance at the one woman he could never forget. Now he just has to convince her he wants it--and her--for good.

Available Now:

Play Me

Warning: This story contains one hot, leanly muscled bad boy. He thinks he wants it hard, fast and rough--until he gets his hands on Lily and then everything changes.

Available Now

Pay Up

Warning: This story contains a hot, ripped firefighter with wild and wicked thoughts about his next door neighbor. The excerpt contains noisy sex, a mention of toys and one frustrated heroine.

Available now!

Picture This

Warning: This story contains a disgruntled alpha male with crude thoughts, bad language and a hot bod. I so enjoyed writing the hero, Sam Steele. He's arrogant and too used to getting what he wants, when he wants it and how it he wants it, especially when it comes to women. And sex. Until he meets Jillian, of course. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Marilyn Campbell Hijacked My Blog Today!

(getting published, that is)

Once upon a time, long, long ago, I fantasized about being taken aboard the Starship Enterprise by Captain James T. Kirk and being the one female in all the Universe he couldn’t leave behind. Since I couldn’t turn that fantasy into reality, I decided to write a science fiction tale that allowed the hero and a lucky Earth girl (namely me) to have a happily ever after. Unfortunately, the publishers back then believed crossing genres was completely out of the question.

Sometime around my 70th rejection letter, I attended a Florida Romance Writers conference, where every editor and agent I approached confirmed the futility of writing the stories I wanted to tell. Thus, no longer caring what they thought of my mental stability, I attended a cocktail party and freely regaled the crowd with some off-color police stories. (Oh, it might help if you knew I was married to a Miami-Dade cop for a couple decades.) At the end of one anecdote, a young woman declared, “I want that book! When can you get it to me?” She was a Harlequin editor who thought I was relating an opening scene rather than an actual event. Although I had never read a category romance let alone considered writing one, I paused only a moment before replying, “In four weeks.” Although it wasn’t exactly Captain Kirk and the Enterprise, I figured this stranger was still offering me a shot at the stars.

Because of that unexpected opportunity, the anecdote became the opening scene in DAYDREAMS, my first published novel.  It was released in 1991 (yep, you read that right), under the pseudonym Marina Palmieri (my Sicilian grandmother’s name), because back then, publishers often included a clause in the contract whereby they legally owned the author’s name, even if it was her true name. Also way back then, I handwrote my manuscripts then typed them on a correcting Selectric typewriter. Adding one paragraph meant retyping a whole chapter. My first personal computer, a Commodore 64, was still a few years away (I was a bit of a holdout). Cell phones and the world wide web were in their infancy and I did research using a set of encyclopedias.

Well, I’m sure you are all aware of just how much technology has changed since then. So you can imagine how very excited I am to announce that, after substantial revisions and updating—technology is not the only thing that's changed—DAYDREAMS is now available in e-book at www.belgravehouse.com and most major e-tailers.

I think the new cover image perfectly depicts the tone of this contemporary romantic comedy about a yummy Miami cop with a penchant for daydreaming and a feisty housekeeper with a grounded agenda that leaves no room for a man in her life.

Blurb:  From the day he mistook Kathy Alvarez for a burglar, Officer Jake Slaughter’s daydreams focused on making her his wife. But Kathy’s marital experience convinced her to never give another man control over her or her child, no matter how sexy or considerate he is. Convincing Kathy to change her mind takes every seduction skill Jake has…and one he has yet to learn.

Tripling my delight, also re-released in e-book this month are PRETTY MAIDS IN A ROW and SEE HOW THEY RUN, the two sexy thrillers that put my name on bestseller lists fifteen years ago.

I always enjoy hearing from readers and invite you to visit my website to check out some of the other things I've done.

Facebook: AuthorMarilynCampbell
Twitter: MarilynCampbel3
For excerpts and buy-links, please visit my Amazon Author Page:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Catch Marilyn Campbell Blogging Here - Thursday December 1st!

Marilyn Campbell
e-books available at Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Fictionwise, All Romance Ebooks, Goodreads, Ellora's Cave, Belgrave House

Sunday, November 13, 2011

True Love Does Exist

This weekend I witnessed the most beautiful confirmation that true love does exist. You see, my daughter got married to the man she has been dating for three years. As they stood at the altar facing one another, there was a radiant look on their faces. David had forgotten to bring his written vows, so he spoke from the heart, telling Kari what made her so special and how happy he was to become her husband. She smiled broadly while the rest of us wept at the tender, heartfelt words he expressed.  Kari then read her vows, telling him that he was the one she was searching for, the perfect man she had always dreamed she’d find. The sincerity of every word they spoke was evident.

The aura of happiness around these two told everyone of their deep, abiding love for one another. We could tell it in the way they glanced at one another, as though a secret message was being passed between them. It was in the bright smiles that light up their whole face when they looked at one another. Most of all, their body language showed that something very special was going on. Yes, their spoken words conveyed their thoughts, but even if we hadn’t heard them, we still would have known how dearly they care for each other.

Kari was excited and nervous about the “first sight” – the moment when David would see her dressed in her wedding gown for the first time. David said he felt a little faint when he laid eyes on her. She was even more beautiful than he had envisioned. I wasn’t there, but those who were at the waterfall where they had chosen to do it said the look on his face was priceless.

In a world of fake reality shows where multi-million dollar weddings end up in divorce shortly thereafter, a love like Kari and David’s is a breath of fresh air. No one can fake a love like theirs. It reinforces my belief that if you find your perfect partner, true love does exist. It was a wonderful, touching ceremony, one that will remain in my mind and heart for years to come.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We have our winners!!!!

And the winners of the "Decadent Delights Chocolate Giveaway" contest are as follows:

Tammy January -- Godiva chocolate

Tammy Ramey -- Fannie May chocolate

QuenKne -- Godiva mug.

Congratulations everyone be sure to check back soon for our Christmas Holiday Giveaway Contest!
 A new contest begins soon for Christmas!  Three winners will be chosen to receive another box of Godiva chocolate, and a $25 Amazon gift certificate, and $25 Chico's gift certificate.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Best Book Honors - Decadent Delights -Voting This Weekend!

 "Decadent Delights" was reviewed by "Whipped Cream Reviews" and this week and is up for Best Book honor this weekend (voting runs from Saturday, October 29th through Sunday, October 30th). Please cast your votes for my book at the link below. Thank you!

Please vote at the link below for my book "Decadent Delights"

Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews: Decadent Delights by Gail DeYoung

Decadent Delights by Gail DeYoung
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Length: Short Story (112 Pages)
Other: M/F, Ménage in dream only Rating: 4.5 cherries
Reviewed by Myrtle

Whipped Cream Reviews

Click on the link below for my review:

Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews: Decadent Delights by Gail DeYoung

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Feed Your Fantasy

Let’s face it. It’s very easy to get into a rut in life. Day in and day out, we go through the same routine. Before we know it, weeks, months and perhaps years have gone by. Yet, nothing has changed. It’s not that we wouldn’t like to do something different, it’s just that there are things that must be done to keep the household running, the kids going to school, and the bills paid. Whether we’re single, married or divorced, life can become monotonous and routine.  

Those who live together know that seeing the other person on a daily basis complicates the ability to excite their companion. The simple fact is they’ve seen us at our best and our worst. No surprises equals same old, same old.

Those who live alone, for whatever reason, may also experience a lack of excitement. Even going out to the bar scene or on a blind date doesn’t guarantee any luck in finding the thrill we seek. And if life has dealt one a blow, such as an illness or the loss of a spouse, it may seem impossible to ever feel again. 

So, where is that joy de vivre that used to make us look forward to greeting each new day? Where is the spark that gave us a tingly feeling when we thought about or got together with our special someone? How do we revive it so when we get together we can create some fireworks?  If we’re alone, are we doomed to never know that joy again?

Absolutely not! I’ve got good news…you can do it, but it’s going to take some work. Luckily, we were all born with an imagination and with that come fantasies. All we have to do is allow ourselves the luxury of giving into them. Fantasies add “spice” to a dull, boring, predictable life.

Sure, you say. That’s easier said than done. Perhaps you don’t think you can trust your imagination. Or perhaps you’ve been together doing it the same way for so long, you don’t know any other way. Have no fear -- erotica books are here! Yes, these books do more than tantalize; they can also teach. Read a few and see if there isn’t something in there that you haven’t tried. Then try it. There’s plenty of frank description in case you need to visualize it. You’ll surprise your partner and there’s a good possibility that it will turn him or her on and you’ll be getting pursued more often.

These days, you don’t have to be afraid of someone seeing you reading one of “those” books.      E-readers very conspicuously hide everything you’re reading, so unless someone is looking over your shoulder, you’re safe. You could buy one in the morning and by that night, have read it and made notes (if necessary) so you’re ready to experiment that evening. The book might have been so hot that you practiced a little beforehand. Who would know?

So why wait? Delve into your fantasy. It’s your imaginary world. Do what you want to do; be who you want to be. Perhaps you’ve wondered what it’s like to be a femme fatale, or a sexy woman in the red light district. How about a slave or cop working undercover? No matter what turns you on, you’re sure to find it in these stories.       

This is one of the reasons I write these books. My imagination goes into overdrive. Perhaps I haven’t done everything I write about in person, but there’s a good chance I have either seen it done in movies (x-rated, of course), or watched others do it. Do I get turned on while writing this stuff? You bet I do! If I don’t, I go back and rewrite that scene again until I do. I want my readers to “feel” as much of the story as they can. I know I’ve hit my mark when someone writes a review telling everyone how “hot” my book was.

For all those who love reading erotic romances, I’m happy to feed your fantasies.  Please visit my website or this blog for news on upcoming books. I appreciate the opportunity to satisfy your every desire. As always, I welcome your comments. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rhonda Lee Carver Here Today!!!

My blog has been hijacked. Today we have a special guest – Rhonda Lee Carver. She’s here to tell us about her latest book, Castle’s Fortress, which sounds amazing. Enjoy! Please feel free to leave a comment. Welcome Rhonda - take it away!

Rhonda Lee Carver

"Everyone deserves romance...one page at a time."

Author of:

Double Dare www.lyricalpress.com

Diamond in a Rose http://www.thewildrosepress.com/

Second Chance Cowboy http://www.lyricalpress.com/

Delaney's Sunrise June 20, 2011 http://www.lyricalpress.com/

Castle's Fortress just released September 19, 2011 http://www.lyricalpress.com/

Rhonda Lee Carver's website: http://www.rhondaleecarver.com/

"When love's breath breathes life into our lungs and understanding into our mind, we shall only yield to its magical hearth. To deny it is foolish. Escape is futile." RLC

Thank you for having me Gail!

Creepy is hot.

Ghosts galore, haunted houses, spooky mayhem…The more the better.

There is something about a romance novel that entwines a love story and a haunting, making it sexy. The hormonal reaction a reader gets as they embark upon the supernatural is connected with the “fight or flight” syndrome. At the very moment we are scared we get a sudden boost of adrenaline, or “power.”

You can get this “adrenaline rush” by riding a roller coaster, or walking through a jungle at night waiting for the wild animals to burst out from the darkness. A simpler, and safer, way is to read a story that is hauntingly beautiful. Be terrified by an author’s eerie imagination. Allow your “survivor instinct” to kick in as you stroll through pages of horror.

As I wrote Castle’s Fortress I wanted to keep an even balance between love and the darkness beyond the natural. I wanted for the hero and heroine to have a special connection. Jake and Fall have this. Fall has the ability to read Jake’s mind. Together they are force to be beckoned with as spirits attempt to pull them into the world of the unknown.

Castle’s Fortress was my favorite book that I’ve written so far. I hope anyone who loves romance mingled with a haunting will pick this eBook up.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000265604936#!/profile.php?id=100000265604936

Author page:  http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000265604936#!/pages/Rhonda-Lee-Carver-Author/155568577811615

Blogspot: http://rhondaleecarver-author.blogspot.com/

Buy Link: http://www.lyricalpress.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=81&products_id=425


One hundred years ago, a little girl died mysteriously. Twenty years ago, another followed. Today, Fall Winters has to find out why.

The last person Jake Castle expects to see again is Fall Winters. Twenty years ago, they were been best friends, until her father killed his sister. He left her and his sleepy hometown--and all the memories in it. He didn’t want a stroll down memory lane, especially with her.

Fall has never believed her father was guilty. He was responsible for a lot of things, but not kidnapping and killing a teenage girl. Now, Fall’s own sister is missing under similar

circumstances. It looks like she was right. She must find her sister alive and prove the connection between the cases, not to mention her father's innocence. Fall turns to the only person she can trust--Jake.

Jake agrees to help Fall on one condition: They never step foot in the ramshackle haunted house that almost left Fall dead when she was ten. Jake wants to believe the ghost they saw that night was a figment of his imagination. But as they delve further into the mystery surrounding the kidnappings, Jake begins to realize there is a connection to the house, and a stronger one with Fall. He knows it’s time to face his fears--and the feelings inside his heart that lead him straight to Fall.



His sensual gaze roved over her from eyes to worn boots, an impish smile taking the place of the innocent grin. She resisted the urge to squirm while he smoothed a glance over her chest.

Jake made no effort to do the decent thing and remove his gaze from her. This was a new side to him. It would take some getting used to, but from the ache building in her, she didn’t find it an unwelcome change.

Damned body betrayed her mind. She hadn’t asked him to come to Marietta to start up a romance. In fact, feelings of a sexual kind could only deter from what she needed.

She narrowed her gaze on him, hoping she did a good job at hiding any sign of attraction. “Jake, don’t they have breasts in New York?”

His gaze trailed a slow, intense path upward until their gazes locked. “I believe you had a psychic vision and saw me coming.” One corner of his mouth kinked as his brows wriggled in covert meaning.

She wondered if he used this manly magic on all the women. She sighed. “You didn’t come all the way to Ohio to admire the view.” She relaxed her hands on her waist and slanted a hip. “Right?”

“Although the scenery is quiet spectacular here,” he flicked a glance over her again, “I have other things in mind besides sightseeing.”

She couldn’t imagine many women could block an internal heat wave under Jake’s magnetism. He possessed a quality that probably had women falling at his pricey loafers all the time. However, she wasn’t just any woman. Charming or not, she wanted one thing from Jake, and it had nothing to do with what lay behind his zipper. Although, she was a bit curious at what did lay there.

She swallowed the naughty-girl lump in her throat and tore her mind back on path. “Did you drive all night?” The inky darkness rimming his eyes was a sign that he needed sleep.

Jake nodded. “I couldn’t wait to get here.”

Did his lip curl? She caught the sarcastic tone to his words. She blew it off as she unplugged her machinery and tossed her woodworking tools into the leather case. When she turned back to him, she planted an award-winning smile on her lips. “As far as I see it, you won’t be any good to me until you’ve had a large dose of caffeine and a moment to catch your breath. I need your energy, not your attitude.”

Eyebrows curved, he smiled. “Sounds kinky.” He ran a long finger along the edge of the table and her stomach did a flop. He should have just slid that finger down the line of her curves. It would have had the same effect on her. “Be honest with me, Fall. Did you bring me here just to live out your childhood fantasy of kissing me?”

Oh, he was a charmer.

His lure was dripped in warm honey butter, and she didn’t need the calories. “Jake Ivan Castle. Not only do you adorn yourself with a big company and fast cars, I hear you like those same qualities in your women.” She bit back a smile when he appeared offended. “As you see, my breasts reside in one county and my brain is bigger than a pebble. The only thing fast about me is my skills at woodworking. So, in layman terms, I’m not your type, and truthfully, I like men who enjoy the simpler things in life. Now, let’s clean our thoughts. We have work to do.”

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rhonda Lee Carver Will Be Blogging Here On Friday September 23rd!

Castle's Fortress

Author: Rhonda Lee Carver
Genre: Romance/Paranormal
Digital ISBN: 9781616503178
Length: Short Novel
Digital Publication Date: September 19, 2011
Cover art by Renee Rocco
Formats: .epub, .lit, .pdf, .prc, .html
Buy direct for Kindle, Nook

Rhonda Lee Carver, Author of  "Second Chance Cowboy", "Double Dare", "Diamond In A Rose" and "Delaney's Sunrise", will be here on Friday to blog about her newest book "Castle's Fortress" which was released on September 19th.

About Rhonda: I'm a believer in love and love happy endings. Creating interesting characters and crafting romance stories is not only a thrill, but means as much to me as taking my next breath.

Castle's Fortress Blurb:

One hundred years ago, a little girl died mysteriously. Twenty years ago, another followed. Today, Fall Winters has to find out why.

The last person Jake Castle expects to see again is Fall Winters. Twenty years ago, they were best friends, until her father killed his sister. He left her and his sleepy hometown--and all the memories in it. He didn’t want a stroll down memory lane, especially with her.

Fall has never believed her father was guilty. He was responsible for a lot of things, but not kidnapping and killing a teenage girl. Now, Fall’s own sister is missing under similar

circumstances. It looks like she was right. She must find her sister alive and prove the connection between the cases, not to mention her father's innocence. Fall turns to the only person she can trust--Jake.

Jake agrees to help Fall on one condition: They never step foot in the ramshackle haunted house that almost left Fall dead when she was ten. Jake wants to believe the ghost they saw that night was a figment of his imagination. But as they delve further into the mystery surrounding the kidnappings, Jake begins to realize there is a connection to the house, and a stronger one with Fall. He knows it’s time to face his fears--and the feelings inside his heart that lead him straight to Fall.

Copyright 2011, Rhonda Lee Carver
All rights reserved, Lyrical Press, Inc.


Join my author page at:



Sunday, September 18, 2011


             I love first lines in a book that make me want to read more. Whether they shock me, tease me or make me laugh, they snag my attention and draw me into the story. Before I know it, I can’t put the book down and I buy it. I’d like to share some of my favorite first lines that caught my attention. I am delighted to say these books reside on my bookshelf or in my e-reader.

“Well, thank God, this is about to be over.” Ill Wind by Rachel Caine

“If he catches me, I’m dead.” Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost

“His brother had thought Hell a fiery abyss, but Nicolas Montfaucon knew better. Seduced by Darkness by Delilah Devlin

“Many things are not as they seem: the worst things in life never are.” White Night by Jim Butcher

“Once, there were more of us.” The Dream Thief by Shana Abe

“Death, Pestilence, Famine – They surround me, my lovers, the terrifying Unseelie Princes.” Dream Fever by Karen Marie Moning

“A funeral always made for a bad day.” Falling Awake by Jayne Ann Krentz

These are just a few of the many, many books that have drawn me into them. What do all of these have in common? They beg the question – what in the heck is going on?  I have read the front and back cover, so yes, I have an idea what the story is about. But I always open the cover and read the first page or so to see what the writing is like.

Knowing that I enjoy reading quite a few genres and, in those genres, there are hundreds of new books to choose from, I peruse the book store looking for the next gem that I will take home and devour.  If an author has a series that I’ve already started, i.e., Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files, I don’t even have to do any of my “research”. I just pick up the next book in the series because I know I’m going to love it. But I have discovered a plethora of new authors who I now follow simply because I read the first few intriguing lines.

So how important is that opening? To me, if I don’t know the author, it’s paramount. It could make the difference between buying that book and choosing another. When I put it that way, there’s a lot of pressure to get it right.

Now, it wouldn’t be fair to judge others if I didn’t let you judge mine, also. So here are the first lines of my books. Have I done a good job of hooking you?

“There was so much blood. Everywhere.” Leaves in the Wind by Gail DeYoung

“The sign on the door to Decadent Delights read, ‘Mature audiences only. Anyone under 18 not allowed.’” Decadent Delights by Gail DeYoung

“Submission…the most intimate exchange of power. If this is your goal, let me take you to your limits and beyond.” Desire’s Awakening by Gail DeYoung

I welcome your comments.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Length -- Does It Really Matter?

            I know what you’re thinking. But, no, this isn’t about that topic. Well, at least not yet. You see, there is a much more important aspect of length that I wish to discuss.

Stories come in all different lengths, from a few hundred words to -- yikes – close to a thousand pages. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows” is 759 pages. It takes a lot of stamina to do that. I truly admire authors who can work at both ends of that spectrum. It’s just as difficult to fit a convincing story into a short-short as it is to weave a tale that goes on forever. From an author’s point of view, editing a short story can be a breeze, while working with a monster could possibly take a long, long time.

But from a reader’s point of view, what is more appealing?  Do you find yourself skimming a big book, but paying closer attention to detail in shorter ones? Do you look at your unread list and decide what to read next based upon the amount of time it will take you? Would you prefer to read one lengthy novel, or five shorter ones in the same amount of time? Or does length really matter at all?

From my perspective, I prefer to read what I call “middle of the road” length books. These are stories that I can breeze through in as little as two hours or as long as four. Perhaps my preference has to do with my writing. I haven’t mastered the art of crafting the short-short. Well, not yet, but that’s a goal I will attain one of these days! Anything over 500 pages scares the heck out of me, but that hasn’t stopped me from buying quite a few of those books to put on my bookshelf. Because there aren’t enough hours of the day to accomplish all the tasks on my “To Do” list, I have to weigh my choices carefully. Ah…decisions, decisions.

Add to that my tendency to read more than one book at a time (I know – who does that?) This is a skill which I believe was bred into me by my mother who insisted that I learn to multi-task when I was growing up. The funny thing is that no matter how much time has passed since I picked up a book, I recall every detail I previously read. So when I sit down to read a book, not only do I have to decide on what length of book to choose, I have to decide whether or not to finish a previously-started book or a new one. If it is late at night and I’m going to bed soon, I have to choose something that won’t take too long in case I fall asleep.

Ah, such a dilemma! Now add to that my love of writing and well, I think you get the picture – I am juggling every minute of the day. My current WIP (work in process) needs attention, but I mustn’t forget several others sitting on the back burner brewing in my creative juices. Crafting a story takes time, and I find the longer I “sit” on a story, the more interesting the plot and characters become.

Now, as to what you thought this article was going to be about, I won’t keep you in the dark any longer. Does length matter? I used to think so, but an older and wiser me believes it’s not the length of the pole, it’s how he wiggles his worm.

 I welcome your comments.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Release - "Decadent Delights"

I'm pleased to announce the release of my new book, "Decadent Delights" from Ellora's Cave. For  a sneak preview of the first chapter and a peak at the sexy book trailer, please stop by my website, http://www.gaildeyoung.com/. In connection with the release of the book, I'm also running a contest for chocolate. Don't forget to sign up while you're at the website. The winner will be drawn on October 15th.

Here's the video for "Decandent Delights" enjoy!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sex Is Good At Any Age

We’ve all heard the saying, “watch out for the quiet ones,” but I always assumed that quote referred to the bookish-looking, unadorned young women who always wore glasses and smiled sheepishly if you mentioned sex. Until I started writing erotica, I didn’t realize that could also refer to sexy senior citizens.

Yes, we assume that as one ages, the sex drive goes into a sex stall. There wouldn’t be so many Viagra commercials if a good portion of men over 40 didn’t need a little help rising to the occasion. But just because the equipment may need a little boost to get it properly working again doesn’t mean that the “urge to merge” still isn’t alive and well in people who are “up there in years” (anyone over 40).

Women, especially, know this is true. We hit our stride in our 40’s. Men may have a burning need to chase anything that wiggles its rear end at them when they are 20, but watch out for those cougars! Not only have they learned to strut their stuff, they’ve also had experience and aren’t afraid to tell men exactly what they want and need. Perhaps that’s why the older women/younger men themes in some of our stories rings true to a certain segment of the population.

But folks in their 40’s aren’t the only ones who still like sex. As people climb the age ladder, they still enjoy titillation. Though some might not want to admit it in public, they’re intrigued by it. I’ve come to the conclusion that yes, there is an entire audience of older people out there who quietly enjoys reading erotica novels.

In the past, whenever an older person would ask what kind of stories I wrote, I’d dance around the question by saying “um, romance.” But if they pursued the topic further by saying, “Oh, I’d like to buy one of your books. Where can I get them?” I’d have to be a little more specific in my description of what I write. After all, I didn’t want to offend them. But, more often than not, I’d be pleasantly surprised by their reaction.

In fact, last year, one of older the men I worked for asked if he could read a work in process. I gave him the first chapter of “Undercover Lovers” and I heard him ooh-ing and ahh-ing. He came out of the office and asked where he could read more. I told him the story wasn’t finished, but he could read “Desire’s Awakening” and gave him my web address. He left with a big smile on his face.

Though at least one-third of my published books were required to have graphic sex in them, I always made sure there was a solid storyline, too, involving charismatic characters who face believable situations. My goal is not to write smut, but to make my stories as realistic as possible. I don’t get turned on by x-rated videos where there is no storyline, just two (or more) people having sex, so why would I write that? If that is what a reader is looking for, they’ll have to read someone else’s books.

I’m always delighted when someone older than me asks to be my friend on Facebook so they can keep up with my newly-published stories. After my sister created the book video for “Decadent Delights” and posted it, I was stopped by several people at work who told me how awesome it was and that they were looking forward to reading the book. That, alone, makes writing these books all worthwhile.

Sex is just one part of our lives, but it is an important part. I guess that’s why people of all ages like it. We may grow older and lose our youthful sex appeal, but inside, we never really give up feeling like that young, sexy person. As long as that desire still resides with us, we can enjoy the rush that comes from sexual excitement, even if it is just from reading something that turns us on. And what’s the harm in that? After all, we’re only human.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Blogging on Tina Donahue's Blog

In conjuction with the release of my latest ebook "Decadent Delights" I will be blogging on Tina Donahue's blog on September 14, 2011. Be sure to stop over and check out my blog subject "Sex and Chocolate!" just click on the link below. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

"Decadent Delights" Coming September 14, 2011

I am please to announce the release date for "Decadent Delights" is September 14, 2011.
Please click on the link below for more details or go to my website

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August Newletter

August 2011

Hi, everyone!

I’ve got exciting news – “Decadent Delights” has been accepted and will soon be released as an e-book. If you love chocolate and sex, you’re bound to love this story of a woman who sells erotic confections and the identical twin brothers vying for her attention, for two very different reasons. Did I mention that the guys are models and drop-dead gorgeous? If you would like to read a teaser from the first chapter of the book, check my website under Decadent Delights. And because I LOVE to thank my readers for their patronage, I’m giving away some decadent delights of my own. Stop by the contest page and fill out a form to be entered to win either Godiva or Fannie May chocolates. The contest will run from the date of release (to be announced) up to one month afterward.

More fun stuff for my readers – from September 1st through October 31st, Night Owl Reviews is hosting their Full Moon Web Scavenger Hunt. Readers will visit websites and find the unique hidden graphic within one click of the home page. You must find at least 25 hidden graphics and complete an entry form to be entered in the drawing. Five winners will be chosen after the close of the contest. GREAT PRIZES! You’ll find their graphic on one of the pages on this website. Good luck and have fun hunting down all the graphics.

I’ve also submitted a story for the “Just One Bite Short Story” contest hosted by All Romance.com and OmniLit.com e-books. It’s called “Angel of My Dreams” and it’s about the possibility of a second chance even after death. If my story is selected as one of the 32 chosen “Semi-Finalists”, it will be included in their reader choice voting that starts October 1, 2011 on their websites. Readers will vote for their favorite short stories during 5 rounds of voting with the field being narrowed at the end of each round. I hope you’ll stop by and vote during all five rounds. Winners will have their books included in an anthology which will be given away free to readers.

I can now turn my attention to working on “Pleasure Bound” for the 1-800-DOM-help series from Ellora’s Cave. These books are great BDSM reads, so if you love those kind of stories, check them out.

Once again, thank you so much for your patronage. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement from those who have taken the time to let me know how much they love my stories. Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Night Owl Review Full Moon Web Hunt

Open - 09/01/2011 (Noon PST) till 10/31/2011 - Ends at Midnight PST

What is a Web Hunt? It's a scavenger hunt that takes place on the web. You visit websites and find the unique hidden graphic. Find great new authors and new titles while entering to win prizes. Five winners will be drawn after the close of the contest. USA Shipping only.

Visit each sponsors website and find the special hidden graphic. Graphics will be within 1 click of the sponsor’s homepage. You must find all of the required find graphics to be eligible for entry. Complete the entry form and post each sponsors unique web hunt word next to their name. Once you complete the form you will need to click “Submit” for your entry details to be submitted. You must find at least 25 of the hidden graphics to be entered including all of the required finds...40 to be entered for the grand prize.

You must be 18 to enter. Many stops on the tour are for HOT romance sites!

"Decadent Delights" Coming Soon!

Decadent Delights

When clever entrepreneur Dana Evans opens Decadent Delights, an erotic candy shop, Trevor Stanton realizes he’d rather be on her side than competing against her. Her sexy dancing gets her customers hot and bothered for her confections and he’s convinced she’s better than a strip show. The owner of Trevor’s Treasures has every intention of bedding her often and making sure she is totally satisfied. He pursues her with wit, charm and an offer to model nude for one of her statues.

Dana can’t believe her luck when she discovers the hunky ex-model has an identical twin brother. Little does she know that her strong attraction to the man who makes her blood boil will cause trouble between the two brothers, especially when she has them model nude for her.

When the competition gets hot, Dana is caught in the middle. What’s a girl to do?

Hi everyone! I am so pleased to announce that very soon my next ebook "Decadent Delights" will be available for download. To celebrate the arrival I will be holding a contest on my website and the prize this time is very womans' favorite..."CHOCOLATE" yummy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Desire's Awakening...

I am pleased to announce that "Desire's Awakening" is now available in paperback. Please follow the links provided below to get your copy today~!

Latest News

June 2011

Hi, everyone!

Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate your taking the time to come here. I know there are a gazillion other places on the web you could be visiting at this moment.

If you’re an occasional visitor to my site, you’ve probably noticed that I don’t post as many articles as other authors. For someone who uses words to entertain, you’d think I’d have a plethora of things to say. But I don’t want to bore you, so my motto is “less is best.” I’ll always keep you informed of release dates, a contest I’m holding or news of a good book that I just read. I’m not sitting idly by twiddling my thumbs. Even though my fingers might not be clicking away at the keyboard, my brain is working overtime.

You see, I’m a perfectionist. Oops, I let the cat out of the bag. Yep, I let stories brew in my mind until I really know those characters, the setting and the circumstances that face them. I’ve discovered that I can write a decent story quickly but if I wait until the time is right, the story has more depth and evokes more feeling. There are little details that I love to include, such as an “ah ha!” moment or an “oh shit!” moment. Gosh, I get such a kick out of those. If I cry, laugh out loud, get mad at a character or get turned on, I know there’s a good possibility I may affect my audience the same way.

There are authors who publish six or more stories in one year. They’re amazing and unlike me, probably don’t hold down a full-time job also. For now, cranking out one or two books a year is probably my best speed (though I may surprise you when you least expect it!)

My current W.I.P. (work in process) is “Decadent Delights”. I’m doing one final self-edit before I ship it off to my editor. I really love this story and I hope you will, too. It should appeal to anyone who loves chocolate and sex, not necessarily in that order (wink). It has identical twin brothers, two completely different types of candy shops and one very creative, sexy woman. Can anyone say “competition?” It started out as a 15,000 word “quickie” and is now close to 45,000 words. See what happens when I let a story brew?

I recently joined a group of ladies writing a series called, “1-800-DOM-help” at Ellora’s Cave. If you’re looking for a great BDSM read, I highly suggest you check out these books. I’ll be working on my own story for that series soon which I’m tentatively calling, “Pleasure Bound.”

In the meantime, I wish you happy reading and thank you once again for your patronage.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Author V. J. Devereaux Blogging Here Today!

Author V. J. Devereaux:


I Believe in Love.

Even more, I believe in love at first sight.

Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness, Bertrand Russell said, and he was right. If anyone should know that it’s me, better than many. I’ve been married four times. Obviously I’m a romantic (which is a good thing considering I’m a romance/erotica writer). I’m also an optimist, clearly, but that’s a blog for another day.

So, what brought up this topic? I was watching Ellen. Julianna Margulies was the guest. They were talking and Ellen brought up Julianna’s husband. She asked Julianna, “Did you know? As soon as you saw him, did you know he was the right one?”

Julianna smiled and just melted. It was there on her face, she didn’t need to say it, but she did, soft and heartfelt. “Oh yes.”

I knew just how she felt, I get that same sappy grin on my face when I talk about my husband.

The first time I saw him, getting off his motorcycle in all his motorcycle gear and walking toward me, I knew. His hair was tousled from his helmet. His eyes were steady, the color of good sherry. One look at his face, at the way he looked, the way he carried himself and I knew. Here was a man comfortable in his own skin, comfortable with himself. I had to know if he kissed as good as he looked. *grins* We nearly didn’t make it out on our date so that would be a yes. In time, I would learn about his quirky sense of humor, his quick wit, his steadiness that is such a good balance to my ADD fueled flightiness but in the moment he kissed me, the way he held me, I knew.

He also didn’t get home until late…*wicked grin* We were definitely compatible.

He knew who I was. I’ve always believed in honesty, so he knew I’d been married three times before and it didn’t matter. We were both struggling with issues, but that didn’t matter either. We worked them through together. Was I scared? Anxiety was my life. He had his own fears. We’re still working them through, but he’s my rock. He laughs when I wear antlers at Christmas and repeats the story of how I wore my Easter bunny ears home and the cop in the car next to me wouldn’t look at me.

When I wanted to stay home to try this writing thing full time he told me to quit my job. When things didn’t work out quite the way I had hoped he told me it didn’t matter. And it doesn’t.

Is there a part of him in Asmodeus? *smiles* I’m not telling.


Gabriel Nicholas is kidnapped and dragged into a vast underground chamber. Spotlighted in the center of that room is something—someone?—quite unbelievable. He’s also, without doubt, the most magnificent specimen of masculine beauty Gabriel has ever seen. He is absolutely stunning.

Despite the circumstances, Gabriel burns to touch all that gorgeous, gleaming skin.

He is Asmodeus, the Demon of Lust, legend come to life. But Gabriel soon realizes Asmodeus is just as much a captive as she is.

To purchase, click on link below:
For more books and information about this Author click on link below:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Featured Author: V. J. Devereaux will be hijacking my blog February 9th!

Author V. J. Devereaux is hijacking my blog!

About Me

An avid reader, I was once clocked at 365 wpm, why, no one knows, although the teacher was fascinated. My ex-husband once accused me of being so desperate for reading material that I would read skywriting or cereal boxes.

He was right.

I self-published my first novel at eight, got an A, and I've been hooked on writing every since.

I read and write sci-fi/fantasy, mysteries and romance novels that range from a tale of an ancient Egyptian tomb guardian come to life - and reborn love - and a latter day assassin who practices parkour.

I currently keeps company with one dog, two cats, an African clawed frog, and a very forgiving spouse

Author V. J. Devereaux will be here on the 9th to blog with you and talk about her books and lastest release
"Demon's Kiss" please join in!

Demon's Kiss
Book 1 in the Demon Allure series.

Gabriel Nicholas is kidnapped and dragged into a vast underground chamber. Spotlighted in the center of that room is something—someone?—quite unbelievable. He’s also, without doubt, the most magnificent specimen of masculine beauty Gabriel has ever seen. He is absolutely stunning.

Despite the circumstances, Gabriel burns to touch all that gorgeous, gleaming skin—a living palette of shifting red and black. She wants to run her fingers through his silken ebony hair, feel those strong hands on her flesh…feel that sinuous tail twine around her body.

He is Asmodeus, the Demon of Lust. He is legend come to life. Able to shift from demon to human form, Asmodeus must feed on sex and the blood of women to sustain his power. Gabriel has been brought here for him. To slake his every need. But she soon realizes Asmodeus is just as much a captive as she is.

Please check out her website for information on where and how to purchase her books.